Thursday, August 19, 2010

Much Has Happened

Since this last post:

Found a new job
Moved again
Proposed to my girlfriend
Married that same girlfriend 6 months later
Moved twice since moving again
Not drawing as much as I would like
Working as much as I should

Maybe I'll be back. Maybe I won't.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Been a while

Moving again. Will not be posting for a while. Shocker, I know.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back in Black

Whelp it has been entirely too long since I've posted anything on here, but I've got some pretty good excuses. Not really. There's quite a bit of nonsense swirling in my brain for an animated short, and I've all but wrapped up my first character design. His name will either be "Monsieur Henri, ou Chef Rene Paillard."

Check him out in all his bitter glory:

In addition to some updated cooking skills, I've also updated this blog to have a different look and feel. The last one got a little stale, so I thought I'd go even more simple, with the flat matte look.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sketchbook 8

I've started an 8th sketchbook and thats gotta be some sort of Guiness record, or something. Probably more like a Beast-Lite record. Eh... humor me. Its late. Anyways, here are the first set of marker sketches / drawings from it... enjoy?

Oh, FYI, its also over on my website too. Chiggity check it out.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Website Updates


Check it out!

I finally got around to putting a new face on my main gallery / portfolio website, and I think it helps get folks engaged in some of the stuff I've got out there.

The pictures on the home page are just some that I selected from the random Galleries I have put together, in hopes of (ahem) drawing you further into them.

Please feel free to hop around and shoot me an email if anything does not work properly, or your wacky mac browser coughs up (its probably a programming issue on my part). Otherwise, let me know what you all think.... I'd love some feedback. Love it? Hate it? Think its lame? Hollar at me.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


In my opinion there is no greater sacrifice. His sacrifice has given my life meaning, and without Him, I am nothing. Without His sacrifice, I am nothing.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I'm struggling with this Illustration Friday assignment. I considered trying to draw the Nissan Skyline automobile, but I thought, "nah, thats lame." Then I thought of doing some sweet image of Luray Caverns or something from back home in Virginia, that is somewhere near Skyline Drive... anyways, I settled on another tree sketch:

Kinda a plain... get it? 'Plain'? hi ho!