This software came free with a Maya 7 Tutorial book I bought:
Alias Sketchbook Pro SoftwareSo I guess its about time I give one of these things a whirl. A while back I got my mits on a
Wacomtablet and used it for some things, nothing very ambitious, as it is really weird to use right off the bat. The hard part is you're not looking at the piece of paper, canvas, whatever, as you use your implement, you're looking at your computer screen, but at the same time your brain is trying to understand why it can't look down at the pen and stylus for a visual response, or result.
Its very foreign to my brain, but its got a world of possibilities. Purists will scoff at the fact that you can Control + Z with a painting, but hey, they didn't create paint thinner for nothing, right?
Also, these types of software, and these tablets in general let you do 'normal' things with the styluses (pens), or is it styli? Its got a nib on the tip, a small lever where your thumb would rest, and the other tip of the stylus has a larger nib similar to an eraser.
So, you're going along, you're drawing, your painting, you're sketching. Oops you goofed up, flip the stylus over like you would a normal pen, and erase with the opposite nib. Great features and usability, they're so choice, if you have the means I highly recommend picking one up!
Here's a quick doodle I did. Its so bizarre, you should go check this stuff out: