I've never been able to grow a Flavor Saver soul patch, and I'm not sure I want to. If I did though I'd probably dye it some weird color, like Red, or Green. Also, I'm probably way behind on this, but there's a little web-application floating around, that someone wrote, that allows you to doodle in a browser, and then save the image in a post. I've no idea what I did wrong, but I was unable to post the image correctly, so I pulled down a screen capture and saved it in photoshop.
These little drawing / posting applications are called Oekaki BBS boards. They're huge overseas.... apparently..
Read more:
Oekaki in Japanese means scribble, or doodle: Wiki "Oekaki"
Oekaki central
I'm working on understanding more about how to get one of these things up and running. Its fairly crude at this point, but its really cool to see how far some folks push these little drawings.
Word up.
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